How to cancel Your Shopify Plan?

If you're looking to cancel your Shopify plan, follow these straightforward steps. Remember to back up your store data before proceeding.

Cancel Your Shopify Subscription

  1. Sign in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Click on "Settings" in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select "Plan and permissions".
  4. Scroll down to find "Cancel subscription" section.
  5. Click "Cancel subscription".
  6. Choose your cancellation reason from the dropdown menu.
  7. Select when you want the cancellation to take effect.
  8. Confirm by clicking "Cancel subscription".

Before You Cancel

Make sure to:

  • Download your store data and reports.
  • Complete any pending orders.
  • Process remaining payouts.
  • Remove any third-party apps.
  • Cancel any active domain subscriptions.

What Happens After Cancellation

  • Your store becomes inaccessible to customers.
  • Billing stops at the end of your current cycle.
  • You retain access to your admin panel for 30 days.
  • Your store URL remains reserved for 30 days.
  • You can reactivate within this period without data loss.

Alternative Options

Consider pausing your store instead of canceling if you need a temporary break. This keeps your data intact and allows for easy reactivation.

Need help? Contact Shopify Support through your admin panel for assistance with the cancellation process.